
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
We #LateNiteLIVE for Marvel's Falcon and the Winter Soldier Reaction & Review Season 1 Episode 4: The Whole World Is Watching with me NERDSoul! We got the world famous Clement Bryant in the house so LET'S DO THIS!!!!!
Falcon and the Winter Soldier Reaction & Review S1 E4: The Whole World Is Watching | NERDSoul
Starring:Blerdish: https://blerd-ish.comClement Bryant: https://twitter.com/ClementBryantSolar Greye: https://www.twitch.tv/bid_p
.Covering:#FAWS #FalconandtheWinterSoldier #NERDSoul
Also:Marvel Comics, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Marvel Falcon and the Winter Soldier, The Whole World Is Watching, Falcon and the Winter Soldier The Whole World Is Watching, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Marvel, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Recap, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Reaction, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Review, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Anthony Mackie, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Sebastian Stan, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Wyatt Russell, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
Clement BryantOn Facebook - https://facebook.com/clement.bryantOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/clementbryantOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/clementbryant
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPoMarvelast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Saturday Apr 17, 2021
Saturday Apr 17, 2021
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comNew Music | Parker Lewiz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvhfk...Fresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Tonight, we have... The Paul Pierce Gentlemen's Club, Durant v Rappaport, Westbrook v Smith & More! Thanks for rollin to NERDSoul Sports! Let's chop it up..The Paul Pierce Gentlemen's Club, Durant v Rappaport, Westbrook v Smith & More | NERDSoul Sports.
Covering:#NERDSoul #Sports
Panel:Blerd-ish / https://blerd-ish.comCeeBrown / https://twitter.com/DunkinOnSportsPL Parker Lewiz: https://parkerpllewiz.com
Also:Paul Pierce ESPN, Paul Pierce Instagram, Durant v Rappaport, Westbrook v Smith, Barbershop Talk, Sports Discussion, Sports Talk, NERDSoul Sports, PL Parker Lewiz, Parker Lewiz, Arcka, Why Arcka, Arckatron, Arckatron Beats, ThatNERDSoul, StreetGeek, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
Covering:#NERDSoul #HipHop
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
ABOUT Arckatron:Arckatron is a formerly Philadelphia-based hip hop producer that recently relGroove Theoryated to Southern California. His work dating back to 2008’s The Appreciation SP. Like any wise producer, Arckatron addressed his primary influences early with the Gettin’ Dilla Out My System release in 2011 and since then has sought a style all his own. His production is not fatherless, but with the recently released Subtle Busyness, Arckatron claims no hive.
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com
Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul
NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul
ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70 soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the blGroove Theoryk and Pop Culture.
NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design
Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Friday Apr 16, 2021
Friday Apr 16, 2021
New Music From ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
.Aight'chall. Let's chill and get into Cop, Kim Potter, Mistakes Gun & Taser, Windsor Police Attack US Soldier, Minneapolis Drug Charges Get Dropped & More! This is Loungin' w/ NERDSoul and Lady Lisa where it's about Entertainment, Politics and Culture because them twitter streets is talkin!
Cop Mistakes Gun & Taser, Windsor Police, Minneapolis Drug Charges & More | Loungin' w/ NERDSoul
.Covering:#Loungin #NERDSoul
#LetTheDollaCirculatehttps://blackfolkfood.market || http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comhttps://webuyblack.com || https://garnersgarden.comhttps://alaffia.com || https://thetrueproducts.comhttps://honey-dipped.com || https://goodvibesclean.com
Also:Kim Potter, Cop Mistakes Gun For Taser, Minneapolis Drug Charges, Racial Profiling, Windsor Police, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Lady Lisa, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Links: Black Together: A Walk in Her ShoesOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/BTawalkinhersh1On Instagram - http://instagram.com/bt_awalkinhershoesOn Facebook - btawalkinhershoesFB Group: Black Together: A Walk in Her Shoes
Love Taps Vol. 1: https://youtu.be/ENhq-wZKNgo
Today? The ladies talk about Domestic violence and staying in toxic relationships. Love Taps Vol. 2 on Black Together: A Walk In Her Shoes..
Love Taps Vol. 2: Domestic Violence + Toxic Relationships #BlackTogether: A Walk In Her Shoes | NERDSoul.
.A Walk In Her Shoes' Purpose: to provide a platform to discuss, 1) how black women uniquely experience all aspects of life, 2) experiences and issues that are unique to black women, 3) advice for black women for maneuvering the journey of becoming and being a black woman in various stages of life, 4) black women’s roles in family, politics, and so much more...
Covering:#BlackTogether #NERDSoul #aWalkInHerShoes
Opening Music: SP The Soul Prophet / Closing Music: Kleph Dollaz
Also:Toxic Relationships, Domestic Violence, Surviving Domestic Violence, Leaving Toxic Relationships, Love Taps, Black Girls, Black Girl Magic, Black Women, Black Together, Black Together A Walk In Her Shoes, A Walk In Her Shoes, Madame Buddaphlai, Lady Lisa, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
New Music From ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
.Aight'chall. Let's chill and get into Tamika Mallory & Patrisse Khan-Cullors Being Under Fire, St. Louis PD Undercover, Chet Hanks & More! This is Loungin' w/ NERDSoul and Lady Lisa where it's about Entertainment, Politics and Culture because them twitter streets is talkin!
Tamika Mallory & Patrisse Khan-Cullors Under Fire, St. Louis PD & More | Loungin' w/ NERDSoul
.Covering:#Loungin #NERDSoul
#LetTheDollaCirculatehttps://blackfolkfood.market || http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comhttps://webuyblack.com || https://garnersgarden.comhttps://alaffia.com || https://thetrueproducts.comhttps://honey-dipped.com || https://goodvibesclean.com
Also:Ben Crump, Tamika Mallory, Shaun King, Patrisse Khan-Cullors, St. Louis Police, Chet Hanks, Black Lives Matter, BLM, Lady Lisa, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Sunday Apr 11, 2021
Sunday Apr 11, 2021
New Music From ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Lady Lisa and I relax to give you 10 Reasons To NOT Be Black Together, Red Flags, Date Exits & More! Now this list is for those dating to be 'Married'. If you just dating to get yo swerve on then this don't apply and don't come up in here tryna act like it does. This is Black Together. The continuing discussion of how to operate as a unit in love, life, politics and more..
10 Reasons To NOT Be Black Together, Red Flags, Date Exits & More! | #BlackTogether w/ NERDSoul.
Covering:#BlackTogether #NERDSoul
#LetTheDollaCirculatehttps://neckbracebrew.com || https://etsy.com/shop/HeHathProvidedhttps://webuyblack.com || https://garnersgarden.comhttps://alaffia.com || https://thetrueproducts.comhttps://honey-dipped.com || http://shop.thatnerdsoul.com
Also:10 Reasons To Not Date, 10 Red Flags, Black Understanding, Paternity, Maternity, Black Marriage, Black Families, Black Family, Black Together, BlackTogether, Lady Lisa, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Friday Apr 09, 2021
Friday Apr 09, 2021
New Music | Anwar HighSign: https://has-lo.bandcamp.com/album/fleeceNew Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comNew Music | Parker Lewiz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvhfknqk6N8Fresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Tonight, join me to talk about our Hopes For DMX, New Snoop OTW, Kodak Black Hit, T.I. & Tiny Respond & More! This is #beatsVibesLife where it's about our favorite albums and the journey they take us on. Stick around to chat music, artists, beats and our favs from all genres!.Hopes For DMX, New Snoop OTW, Kodak Black Hit, T.I. & Tiny Respond & Mo' | NERDSoul: #beatsVibesLife.
Covering:#NERDSoul #HipHop #DMX #SnoopDoggBusta Rhymes & Hip Hop News
Also:Hopes For DMX, DMX Hospitalized, New Snoop Album, From The Streets 2 Tha Suites, Kodak Black, T.I. & Tiny, T.I. & Tiny Respond, Kodak Black Hit, T.I. & Tiny Respond, Hip Hop, Hip Hop News, Hip Hop Discussion, PL Parker Lewiz, Parker Lewiz, Anwar Highsign, Arcka, Why Arcka, Arckatron, Arckatron Beats, ThatNERDSoul, StreetGeek, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
Covering:#NERDSoul #HipHop
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
ABOUT Arckatron:Arckatron is a formerly Philadelphia-based hip hop producer that recently relGroove Theoryated to Southern California. His work dating back to 2008’s The Appreciation SP. Like any wise producer, Arckatron addressed his primary influences early with the Gettin’ Dilla Out My System release in 2011 and since then has sought a style all his own. His production is not fatherless, but with the recently released Subtle Busyness, Arckatron claims no hive.
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com
Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul
NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul
ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70 soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the blGroove Theoryk and Pop Culture.
NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design
Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
We LIVE for Image's Invincible Reaction & Review on Season 1 Episode 4: Neil Armstrong Eat Your Heart Out with me NERDSoul! We got a Roundtable of goodness so LET'S DO THIS!!!!!.Invincible Episode 4 Roundtable: Neil Armstrong Eat Your Heart Out w/ Special Guests | NERDSoul.
Covering:#Invincible #NERDSoul
Also:Image Comics, Invincible, Image Invincible, Neil Armstrong Eat Your Heart Out, Invincible Neil Armstrong Eat Your Heart Out, Invincible Image, Invincible Recap, Invincible Reaction, Invincible Review, Invincible Steven Yeun, Invincible Sandra Oh, Invincible J. K. Simmons, Blerdish, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
Blerdish: https://blerd-ish.comClement Bryant: https://twitter.com/ClementBryantNate Miller: https://twitter.com/DoggLikeNateGamma Rae Cosplay: https://instagram.com/gammaraecosplay
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPoImageast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Thursday Apr 08, 2021
Links: Black Together: A Walk in Her ShoesOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/BTawalkinhersh1On Instagram - http://instagram.com/bt_awalkinhershoesOn Facebook - btawalkinhershoesFB Group: Black Together: A Walk in Her Shoes
Today? The ladies talk about The Discipline of the Black Child. Love Taps Vol. 1 on Black Together: A Walk In Her Shoes.
Love Taps Vol. 1: Discipline for the Black Child #BlackTogether: A Walk In Her Shoes | NERDSoul
.A Walk In Her Shoes' Purpose: to provide a platform to discuss, 1) how black women uniquely experience all aspects of life, 2) experiences and issues that are unique to black women, 3) advice for black women for maneuvering the journey of becoming and being a black woman in various stages of life, 4) black women’s roles in family, politics, and so much more...
.Covering:#BlackTogether #NERDSoul #aWalkInHerShoes
Opening Music: SP The Soul Prophet / Closing Music: Kleph Dollaz
Also:Child Psychology, Discipline, Disciplining Black Children, Black Child, Love Taps, Black Girls, Black Girl Magic, Black Women, Black Together, Black Together A Walk In Her Shoes, A Walk In Her Shoes, Madame Buddaphlai, Lady Lisa, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Falcon and the Winter Soldier Reaction & Review S1 E3: Power Broker | NERDSoul
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
We #LateNiteLIVE for Marvel's Falcon and the Winter Soldier Reaction & Review Season 1 Episode 3: Power Broker with me NERDSoul! We got the world famous Clement Bryant in the house so LET'S DO THIS!!!!!.Falcon and the Winter Soldier Reaction & Review S1 E3: Power Broker | NERDSoul.Starring:Blerdish: https://blerd-ish.comClement Bryant: https://twitter.com/ClementBryantSolar Greye: https://www.twitch.tv/bid_p
.Covering:#FAWS #FalconandtheWinterSoldier #NERDSoul
Also:Marvel Comics, Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Marvel Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Power Broker, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Power Broker, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Marvel, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Recap, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Reaction, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Review, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Anthony Mackie, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Sebastian Stan, Falcon and the Winter Soldier Wyatt Russell, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
Clement BryantOn Facebook - https://facebook.com/clement.bryantOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/clementbryantOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/clementbryant
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPoMarvelast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.