
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Talkin Cosplay, Competition and BlerdCon DC Controversy | NERDSoul
Friday Jul 30, 2021
Friday Jul 30, 2021
New Music From ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comNERDSoul Patreon: https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul
Go 'head and stop in for a chat on Cosplay, Competition and BlerdCon DC Controversy w/ Gamma Rae Cosplay. You know we ain't gon pull no punches.
Talkin Cosplay, Competition and BlerdCon DC Controversy | NERDSoul
Covering:#NERDSoul #Blerdcon
Also:Blerdcon Cosplay Contest, Cosplay Contests, Blerdcon, Blerdcon DC, Blerdcon Controversy, Gamma Rae Cosplay, ThatNERDSoul, StreetGeek, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.com/On Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com
Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul
On Facebook - https://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - https://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - https://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/thatnerdsoul
ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture.
NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design
Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
New Music From ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
We MIXED UP so let's chop it up! I'm here for Motherland Fort Salem and Evil... The chat also brings up 'that show' about zombies. ugh.
MIXUP! Watchu watchin rn? How's It Going? I Got Motherland Fort Salem x Evil ON DECK! | NERDSoul
Also:Motherland Fort Salem, Evil, TWD, The Walking Dead, Rants, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Monday Jul 26, 2021
Monday Jul 26, 2021
New Music / ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Michaela Coel joins the cast of Black Panther 2, Black Widow talk, Loki's gone... for now, HBO Max's Batgirl on the way & and more! #DoppioDope w/ Clement Bryant! Hang w/ us!
Michaela Coel x Black Panther, Black Widow, Loki, HBO Max Batgirl & Mo' #DoppioDope w Clement Bryant | NERDSoul
Covering:Choppin it up in the Corona Timeline#NERDSoul #Marvel #Atlanta #ATL #Black Widow
Also:Disney, Disney Plus, Disney+, Marvel, Marvel Studios, Black Widow, Black Widow Review, Loki, Loki Review, Michaela Coel, Black Panther 2 Black Panther Casting, HBO Max, Batgirl Movie, Doppio Dope, Doppio Dope Podcast, ThatNERDSoul, StreetGeek, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
*The NERDSoul Weekly Podcast is an audio feed from the NERDSoul YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/LeillKid
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com Clement BryantOn Facebook - https://facebook.com/clement.bryantOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/clementbryantOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/clementbryant About Doppio DopeDoppio Dope. Two enterprising young black men discussing everything between entertainment, pop culture and life, cruising LA for hot spots. So sit back, enjoy the sounds of the city and join the discussion. NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
New Music From ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
A good ol' chat about Netflix's Fear Street Trilogy! We got master writer Robert Jeffrey II of Route 3, Mine To Avenge and SO MUCH MORE up in here so sit back at let's chop it up!Netflix's Fear Street Trilogy: A Chat About Time, Teens & Terror Movie Review | NERDSoul
Covering:#NERDSoul #FearStreet
Robert Jeffrey II: https://www.instagram.com/robertk.jeffrey/
Also:Fear Street, Fear Street 1994, Fear Street 1978, Fear Street 1666, Fear Street Movie Review, Fear Street Trilogy Movie Review, Fear Street Reaction, Fear Street Breakdown, Fear Street Movies, Fear Street Sadie Sink, Fear Street Kiana Madeira, Robert Jeffrey II, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Amazon Prime's Mary J. Blige My Life Documentary Chat | NERDSoul: #beatsVibesLife
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
Wednesday Jul 21, 2021
New Music | Anwar HighSign: https://has-lo.bandcamp.com/album/fleeceNew Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comNew Music | Parker Lewiz: https://soundcloud.com/parkerpllewizFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Today, we discuss Amazon Prime's Mary J Blige My Life Documentary on #beatsVibesLife where it's about Hip Hop, our favorite albums and the journey they take us on and more! Stick around to chat music, artists, beats and our favs from all genres. Shouts to Anwar HighSign, ARCKATRON & Parker PL Lewiz!
Amazon Prime's Mary J. Blige My Life Documentary Chat | NERDSoul: #beatsVibesLife
Covering:#NERDSoul #HipHop #MaryJBligeMary J Blige My Life on Amazon PrimeNERDSoul *SPOILER Documentary Review* talking shop on Amazon Prime's "Mary J Blige My Life"
Horsemen:Anwar HighSignhttps:/instagram.com/anwar_highsign
PL Parker Lewizhttps://instagram.com/parkerpllewiz
Also:Amazon Prime, Mary J Blige My Life, Amazon Prime Mary J Blige My Life, Mary J Blige My Life Documentary, Mary J Blige My Life Documentary Review, Mary J Blige My Life Documentary Reaction, Mary J Blige My Life Reaction, Mary J Blige My Life Review, Mary J Blige My Life, Mary J Blige My Life Album, Sean Puffy Combs, Andre Harrell, Hip Hop, Hip Hop News, Hip Hop Discussion, Parker Lewiz, PL Parker Lewiz, Anwar Highsign, Arcka, Why Arcka, Arckatron, Arckatron Beats, ThatNERDSoul, StreetGeek, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com
Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul
NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul
ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70 soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture.
NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design
Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Marvel Loki Season Finale! Journey into Mystery + For All Time Always | NERDSoul
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
We LIVE for Marvel's Loki Reaction & Review Season 1 Episode 5+6: Journey into Mystery + with me NERDSoul! We got the world famous Solar Greye in the house so LET'S DO THIS!!!!!
Marvel Loki Season Finale! Journey into Mystery + For All Time Always | NERDSoul
Starring:Blerdish: https://blerd-ish.comSolar Greye: https://www.twitch.tv/bid_p
Covering:#Loki #NERDSoul
Also:Marvel Comics, Loki, Marvel Loki, Journey into Mystery, Loki Journey into Mystery, For All Time Always, Loki For All Time Always, Loki Marvel, Loki Recap, Loki Reaction, Loki Review, Loki Tom Hiddleston, Loki Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Loki Wunmi Mosaku, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
Clement BryantOn Facebook - https://facebook.com/clement.bryantOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/clementbryantOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/clementbryant
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPoMarvelast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Monday Jul 19, 2021
Monday Jul 19, 2021
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
We Checking In on Paramount+ Evil Season 2! A Reaction & Review of Lies, Baby Teeth, Flames, Dirty Love, Dried Ovaries and Leland. LET'S DO THIS!!!!!
Checking In on Paramount+ Evil Season 2! A Reaction & Review of Lies, Dirty Love x Leland | NERDSoul
Covering:#Evil #NERDSoul
Also:Paramount+ Comics, Evil, Paramount+ Evil, N Is for Night Terrors, A Is for Angel, F Is for Fire, E Is for Elevator, Evil Paramount+, Evil Recap, Evil Reaction, Evil Review, Evil Katja Herbers, Evil Mike Colter, Evil Aasif Mandvi, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
Clement BryantOn Facebook - https://facebook.com/clement.bryantOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/clementbryantOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/clementbryant
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPoParamount+ast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Saturday Jul 17, 2021
Saturday Jul 17, 2021
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comNew Music | Parker Lewiz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g-v2u_47t14Fresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Tonight... The NBA Finals Sweep? Rachel Nichols Controversy, The BIG 3 & More! Thanks for rollin to NERDSoul Sports! Let's chop it up.
The NBA Finals Sweep? Rachel Nichols Controversy, The BIG 3 & More! | NERDSoul Sports
Covering:#NERDSoul #Sports
Panel:CeeBrown / https://twitter.com/DunkinOnSportsPL Parker Lewiz: https://parkerpllewiz.com
Also:Maria Taylor, Rachel Nichols, Stephen Jackson, NBA Finals, PHX Suns, The BIG 3, ESPN, Barbershop Talk, Sports Discussion, Sports Talk, NERDSoul Sports, PL Parker Lewiz, Parker Lewiz, Arcka, Why Arcka, Arckatron, Arckatron Beats, ThatNERDSoul, StreetGeek, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
Covering:#NERDSoul #HipHop
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
ABOUT Arckatron:Arckatron is a formerly Philadelphia-based hip hop producer that recently relGroove Theoryated to Southern California. His work dating back to 2008’s The Appreciation SP. Like any wise producer, Arckatron addressed his primary influences early with the Gettin’ Dilla Out My System release in 2011 and since then has sought a style all his own. His production is not fatherless, but with the recently released Subtle Busyness, Arckatron claims no hive.
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com
Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul
NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul
ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70 soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the blGroove Theoryk and Pop Culture.
NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design
Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
New Music From ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
A good ol' chat about Amazon Prime's new Military Sci-Fi flick The Tomorrow War! We Mike Watson of Freestyle Komics up in here so sit back at let's chop it up!
The Tomorrow War: A Chat & Whitespike Movie Review | NERDSoul
#NERDSoul #TheTomorrowWar
Mike Watson: https://www.instagram.com/MostEpicArtFreestyle Komics: https://www.instagram.com/freestylekomics
Also:The Tomorrow War, The Tomorrow War, The Tomorrow War Movie Review, The Tomorrow War Movie Review, The Tomorrow War Reaction, The Tomorrow War, The Tomorrow War Movie, The Tomorrow War Chris Pratt, The Tomorrow War Edwin Hodge, Sam Richardson, Mike Watson, Freestyle Komics, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Friday Jul 09, 2021
Friday Jul 09, 2021
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
We LIVE for Marvel's Loki Reaction & Review Season 1 Episode 4: The Nexus Event with me NERDSoul! We got the world famous Solar Greye in the house so LET'S DO THIS!!!!!.Marvel Premieres Loki S1 E4: The Nexus Event / A Reaction & Review | NERDSoul
Starring:Blerdish: https://blerd-ish.comSolar Greye: https://www.twitch.tv/bid_p
Covering:#Loki #NERDSoul
Also:Marvel Comics, Loki, Marvel Loki, The Nexus Event, Loki The Nexus Event, Loki Marvel, Loki Recap, Loki Reaction, Loki Review, Loki Tom Hiddleston, Loki Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Loki Wunmi Mosaku, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
Clement BryantOn Facebook - https://facebook.com/clement.bryantOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/clementbryantOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/clementbryant
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPoMarvelast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.