
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
DC + HBO Max Drop Young Justice: Phantoms S4 E3: Volatile | NERDSoul
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
Saturday Oct 30, 2021
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
We LIVE for DC's Young Justice Phantoms! Season 4 BABY. Let's talk Season 4 Episode 3: Volatile... Let's GO!
DC + HBO Max Drop Young Justice: Phantoms S4 E3: Volatile | NERDSoul.
Covering:#YoungJustice #NERDSoul
Also:DC Comics, Young Justice Phantoms, DC Young Justice Phantoms, Young Justice Volatile, Young Justice Phantoms Recap, Young Justice Phantoms Reaction, Young Justice Phantoms Review, Blerdish, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
Clement BryantOn Facebook - https://facebook.com/clement.bryantOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/clementbryantOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/clementbryant
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPoDCast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Friday Oct 29, 2021
Friday Oct 29, 2021
Part 1: https://youtu.be/QfhYFbxeJi0Part 2: https://youtu.be/r2y2iT0JblQPart 4: https://youtu.be/UnlbhSVnL2I.Links: Black Together: A Walk in Her ShoesOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/BTawalkinhersh1On Instagram - http://instagram.com/bt_awalkinhershoesOn Facebook - btawalkinhershoesFB Group: Black Together: A Walk in Her Shoes..Today? The ladies talk Who’s Loving U? Pt 3: Who Do You Think You Are?: Learning, Healing, Finding You on Black Together: A Walk In Her Shoes..Who’s Loving U? Pt 3: Who Do You Think You Are?: Learning, Healing, Finding You #BlackTogether: A Walk In Her Shoes | NERDSoul..A Walk In Her Shoes' Purpose: to provide a platform to discuss, 1) how black women uniquely experience all aspects of life, 2) experiences and issues that are unique to black women, 3) advice for black women for maneuvering the journey of becoming and being a black woman in various stages of life, 4) black women’s roles in family, politics, and so much more...
Covering:#BlackTogether #NERDSoul #aWalkInHerShoes
Opening Music: SP The Soul Prophet / Closing Music: Kleph Dollaz
Also:Who's Loving You, Who Do You Think You Are?, Learning, Healing, Finding You, Search For Self, Black Girls, Black Girl Magic, Relationship Advice, Dating Advice, Black Women, Black Together, Black Together A Walk In Her Shoes, A Walk In Her Shoes, Madame Buddaphlai, Lady Lisa, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
New Music From ARCKATRON At http://arckatron.comDope Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com..WE BACK chillin Live for HBO Max's Titans so far with Reaction & Review talkin Season 2... Let's do this!.HBO Max Titans S3 Check-in! Nightwing, Red Hood, Tim Drake, Blackfire & More! | NERDSoul.Covering:#Titans #HBOMax #DC #NERDSoul..Also:HBO Max, Lady Vic, Red Hood, The Call Is Coming from Inside the House, Troubled Water, Blackfire, Souls, HBO Max Titans, Titans, Titans Nightwing, Titans HBO Max Reaction, Titans Reaction, Titans Review, Titans Wrap Up, Titans Recap, Titans Brenton Thwaites, Titans Anna Diop, Titans Teagan Croft, Titans Ryan Potter, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO BrandKUROBrand.com
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.com/On Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com
Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul
On Facebook - https://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - https://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - https://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/thatnerdsoul
ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture.
NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design
Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Wednesday Oct 27, 2021
Part 1: https://youtu.be/QfhYFbxeJi0Part 3: https://youtu.be/-8FYwj5JJSsPart 4: https://youtu.be/UnlbhSVnL2I.Links: Black Together: A Walk in Her ShoesOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/BTawalkinhersh1On Instagram - http://instagram.com/bt_awalkinhershoesOn Facebook - btawalkinhershoesFB Group: Black Together: A Walk in Her Shoes..
Today? The ladies talk Who’s Loving You? Pt 2: Swap Meet: They Got Our Butts, We Got Their Hair! Beauty Standards and How Black Women Are Marginalized on Black Together: A Walk In Her Shoes..
Who’s Loving You? Pt 2: Swap Meet: Beauty Standards #BlackTogether: A Walk In Her Shoes | NERDSoul..A Walk In Her Shoes' Purpose: to provide a platform to discuss, 1) how black women uniquely experience all aspects of life, 2) experiences and issues that are unique to black women, 3) advice for black women for maneuvering the journey of becoming and being a black woman in various stages of life, 4) black women’s roles in family, politics, and so much more...
Covering:#BlackTogether #NERDSoul #aWalkInHerShoes
Opening Music: SP The Soul Prophet / Closing Music: Kleph Dollaz
Also:Swap Meet, Beauty Standards, Marginalization of Black Women, BBL, Fake Hair, Black Girls, Black Girl Magic, Relationship Advice, Dating Advice, Black Women, Black Together, Black Together A Walk In Her Shoes, A Walk In Her Shoes, Madame Buddaphlai, Lady Lisa, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
The NBA Is Gettin OLD 😂 Happy 75 Years! PLUS The NBA Is BACK! | NERDSoul Sports
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
Tuesday Oct 26, 2021
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comNew Music | Parker Lewiz: http://parkerpllewiz.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Tonight... We talk Ben Simmons talks LeBron James and his ranking, Urban Meyer Is A Freak on the dance floor + we ask... Where U At Kyrie? Thanks for rollin to NERDSoul Sports! Let's chop it up.
The NBA Is Gettin OLD 😂 Happy 75 Years! PLUS The NBA Is BACK! | NERDSoul Sports
Covering:#NERDSoul #Sports
Panel:PL Parker Lewiz: https://parkerpllewiz.com
Also:NBA 75, NBA Season Openers, Barbershop Talk, Sports Discussion, Sports Talk, NERDSoul Sports, PL Parker Lewiz, Parker Lewiz, Arcka, Why Arcka, Arckatron, Arckatron Beats, ThatNERDSoul, StreetGeek, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
Covering:#NERDSoul #HipHop
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
ABOUT Arckatron:Arckatron is a formerly Philadelphia-based hip hop producer that recently relGroove Theoryated to Southern California. His work dating back to 2008’s The Appreciation SP. Like any wise producer, Arckatron addressed his primary influences early with the Gettin’ Dilla Out My System release in 2011 and since then has sought a style all his own. His production is not fatherless, but with the recently released Subtle Busyness, Arckatron claims no hive.
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com
Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul
NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul
ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70 soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the blGroove Theoryk and Pop Culture.
NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design
Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Part 2: https://youtu.be/r2y2iT0JblQPart 3: https://youtu.be/-8FYwj5JJSsPart 4: https://youtu.be/UnlbhSVnL2I
Links: Black Together: A Walk in Her ShoesOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/BTawalkinhersh1On Instagram - http://instagram.com/bt_awalkinhershoesOn Facebook - btawalkinhershoesFB Group: Black Together: A Walk in Her Shoes
Today? The ladies talk Who’s Loving You? Pt 1: Pretty Hurts: Our Standards of Beauty on Black Together: A Walk In Her Shoes
Who’s Loving You? Pt 1: Pretty Hurts: Our Standards of Beauty #BlackTogether: A Walk In Her Shoes | NERDSoul
A Walk In Her Shoes' Purpose: to provide a platform to discuss, 1) how black women uniquely experience all aspects of life, 2) experiences and issues that are unique to black women, 3) advice for black women for maneuvering the journey of becoming and being a black woman in various stages of life, 4) black women’s roles in family, politics, and so much more...
Covering:#BlackTogether #NERDSoul #aWalkInHerShoes
Opening Music: SP The Soul Prophet / Closing Music: Kleph Dollaz
Also:Higher Learning, Homeschool vs. Public School, College vs Trade School, Homeschool, Public School,Black Girls, Black Girl Magic, Relationship Advice, Dating Advice, Black Women, Black Together, Black Together A Walk In Her Shoes, A Walk In Her Shoes, Madame Buddaphlai, Lady Lisa, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Monday Oct 25, 2021
Monday Oct 25, 2021
Blerdish: https://blerd-ish.comNew Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com.We LIVE for DC's Young Justice Phantoms! Season 4 BABY. Let's talk Season 4 Episodes 1+2: Young Justice Phantoms... the Watcher Broke His Oath? with me NERDSoul!.DC Premieres Young Justice: Phantoms S4 E1+2: Inhospitable x Needful | NERDSoul..Starring:Blerdish: http://blerd-ish.com..Covering:#YoungJustice #YoungJusticePhantoms #NERDSoul.
Also:DC Comics, Young Justice Phantoms, DC Young Justice Phantoms, Young Justice Inhospitable, Young Justice Phantoms Needful, Young Justice Phantoms Recap, Young Justice Phantoms Reaction, Young Justice Phantoms Review, Blerdish, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
Clement BryantOn Facebook - https://facebook.com/clement.bryantOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/clementbryantOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/clementbryant
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPoDCast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Sunday Oct 24, 2021
Sunday Oct 24, 2021
The Story Geeks: https://youtu.be/tGnKIY1GkfANew Music From ARCKATRON At http://arckatron.comDope Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com..WE BACK chillin Live for HBO Max's Doom Patrol so far with Reaction & Review talkin Season 3... Let's do this!.HBO Max Doom Patrol S3 Check-in! Possibilities, Vacay, Dead, Undead Patrol & More! | NERDSoul..Starring:Blerdish: http://blerd-ish.comClement Bryant: https://twitter.com/clementbryantHannibal Tabu: http://hannibaltabu.comJason Reeves: http://133art.comRJ the Nerdy Brew: http://instagram.com/rjnerdybrew315Solar Greye: https://youtube.com/c/BiDPblerd..Covering:#Doom Patrol #HBOMax #DC #NERDSoul.
Also:HBO Max, HBO Max Doom Patrol, Doom Patrol, Doom Patrol Jane, Doom Patrol Rita Farr, Doom Patrol Mr. Nobody, Doom Patrol Larry Trainor, Doom Patrol Cliff Steele, Doom Patrol The Chief, Cyborg, Doom Patrol HBO Max Reaction, Doom Patrol Reaction, Doom Patrol Review, Doom Patrol Wrap Up, Doom Patrol Recap, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO BrandKUROBrand.com
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.com/On Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com
Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul
On Facebook - https://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - https://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - https://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/thatnerdsoul
ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture.
NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design
Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Monday Sep 20, 2021
Netflix Clickbait Chat w/ Comedian Rubyn Warren II aka Rubyn X | NERDSoul
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Monday Sep 20, 2021
Rubyn Warren: https://rubynwarren.com/New Music From ARCKATRON At http://arckatron.comDope Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
.Here we are for a Netflix Clickbait Chat w/ Comedian Rubyn Warren II aka Rubyn X! Let's do this!.Netflix Clickbait Chat w/ Comedian Rubyn Warren II aka Rubyn X | NERDSoul.
Covering:#Clickbait #NERDSoul
Guest:Rubyn Warren: https://rubynwarren.com/
Also:Netflix, Netflix Clickbait, Clickbait, Clickbait Netflix Reaction, Clickbait Reaction, Clickbait Review, Clickbait Wrap Up, Clickbait Recap, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, Rubyn Warren II, Rubyn X, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO BrandKUROBrand.com
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.com/On Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com
Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul
On Facebook - https://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - https://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - https://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Soundcloud - https://soundcloud.com/thatnerdsoul
ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture.
NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design
Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Sunday Sep 19, 2021
Sunday Sep 19, 2021
New Music / ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Marvel Drops The Hawkeye Trailer + Some Marvel Gaming Talk On Spider-Man, Midnight Sons x Wolverine & and more! #DoppioDope w/ Clement Bryant! Hang w/ us!
.Marvel Drops The Hawkeye Trailer + Some Marvel Gaming Talk #DoppioDope w Clement Bryant | NERDSoul.
Covering:Choppin it up in the Corona Timeline#NERDSoul #Marvel
.Also:Disney, Disney Plus, Disney+, Marvel, Marvel Studios, Spider-Man 2 PS5 Trailer, Wolverine Reveal Trailer, Hawkeye, Hawkeye Trailer, Doppio Dope, Doppio Dope Podcast, ThatNERDSoul, StreetGeek, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
*The NERDSoul Weekly Podcast is an audio feed from the NERDSoul YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/LeillKid
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com Clement BryantOn Facebook - https://facebook.com/clement.bryantOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/clementbryantOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/clementbryant About Doppio DopeDoppio Dope. Two enterprising young black men discussing everything between entertainment, pop culture and life, cruising LA for hot spots. So sit back, enjoy the sounds of the city and join the discussion. NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.