
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Odell Beckham Jr. Got Receipts and Shannon Sharpe Got Beef! | NERDSoul Sports
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Thursday Nov 11, 2021
Tonight... We talk about how Odell Beckham Jr. Got Receipts and Shannon Sharpe Got Beef! Thanks for rollin to NERDSoul Sports! Let's chop it up.
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comNew Music | Parker Lewiz: http://parkerpllewiz.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Odell Beckham Jr. Got Receipts and Shannon Sharpe Got Beef! | NERDSoul Sports.
Covering:#NERDSoul #Sports
Panel:PL Parker Lewiz: https://parkerpllewiz.com

Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Ghostface ”Ironman” 25th Anniversary Album Review & More! | NERDSoul: #beatsVibesLife
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
Tonight Arckatron, Anwar Highsign & I talk about the 25th Anniversary of Ironman by Ghostface of the Wu Tang Clan & More on #beatsVibesLife where it's about our favorite albums and the journey they take us on. Stick around to chat music, artists, beats and our favs from all genres!
New Music | Anwar HighSign: https://has-lo.bandcamp.com/album/fleeceNew Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comNew Music | Parker Lewiz: https://soundcloud.com/parkerpllewizFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Ghostface "Ironman" 25th Anniversary Album Review & More! | NERDSoul: #beatsVibesLife.
Covering:#NERDSoul #Ironman #Ghostface & Hip Hop News

Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
DC + HBO Max Drop Young Justice: Phantoms S4 E5: Tale of Two Sisters | NERDSoul
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
Tuesday Nov 09, 2021
We LIVE for DC's Young Justice Phantoms! Season 4 BABY. Let's talk Season 4 Episode 5: Tale of Two Sisters... Let's GO!
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
DC + HBO Max Drop Young Justice: Phantoms S4 E5: Tale of Two Sisters | NERDSoul.
Covering:#YoungJustice #NERDSoul #DCComics

Monday Nov 08, 2021
Monday Nov 08, 2021
Tonight we talk Styles on Kanye & Drake's Beef, Nicki v Everyone from the White House to Don Lemon & Earl Sweatshirt x ALC's album is DONE on #beatsVibesLife where it's about our favorite albums and the journey they take us on. Stick around to chat music, artists, beats and our favs from all genres!
New Music | Anwar HighSign: https://has-lo.bandcamp.com/album/fleeceNew Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comNew Music | Parker Lewiz: https://soundcloud.com/parkerpllewizFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Styles on Kanye & Drake, Nicki v Everyone & Earl Sweatshirt x ALC | NERDSoul: #beatsVibesLife
Covering:#NERDSoul #HipHop News
Horsemen:Anwar HighSign: https:/instagram.com/anwar_highsign
Arckatron: http://arckatron.com
PL Parker Lewiz: https://instagram.com/parkerpllewiz

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Streets of Rage 4 Mr. X Nightmare DLC x King of Fighters 15 Talk w/ Open Mynd | NERDSoul Gaming.Currently Playing: Streets of Rage 4New Music From ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com.Right now? Let's wrap it up... At least for now on the major DLC for SoR4..Guest:Open Mynd https://youtube.com/Dyeverse.Covering:#NERDSoul #StreetsofRage4 #SoR4 #MrXNightmare

Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Divorce!?! Yeah... We Need To Talk | #BlackTogether w/ NERDSoul
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Sunday Nov 07, 2021
Divorce!?! Yeah... We Need To Talk | #BlackTogether w/ NERDSoul
Lady Lisa and I talk Divorce. It's been a while so let us explain. This is Black Together. The continuing discussion of how to operate as a unit in love, life, politics and more.
New Music From ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
Covering:#BlackTogether #NERDSoul
#LetTheDollaCirculatehttps://neckbracebrew.com || https://etsy.com/shop/HeHathProvidedhttps://webuyblack.com || https://garnersgarden.comhttps://alaffia.com || https://thetrueproducts.comhttps://honey-dipped.com || http://shop.thatnerdsoul.com

Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Links: Black Together: A Walk in Her ShoesOn Twitter: http://twitter.com/BTawalkinhersh1On Instagram - http://instagram.com/bt_awalkinhershoesOn Facebook - btawalkinhershoesFB Group: Black Together: A Walk in Her Shoes..Today? The Bar is on the Floor…: A Much-Needed Video Review #BlackTogether: A Walk In Her Shoes | NERDSoul on Black Together: A Walk In Her Shoes..The Bar is on the Floor…: A Much-Needed Video Review #BlackTogether: A Walk In Her Shoes | NERDSoul..A Walk In Her Shoes' Purpose: to provide a platform to discuss, 1) how black women uniquely experience all aspects of life, 2) experiences and issues that are unique to black women, 3) advice for black women for maneuvering the journey of becoming and being a black woman in various stages of life, 4) black women’s roles in family, politics, and so much more.....Covering:#BlackTogether #NERDSoul #aWalkInHerShoes
Opening Music: SP The Soul Prophet / Closing Music: Kleph Dollaz
Also:The Bar is on the Floor, Black Girls, Black Girl Magic, Relationship Advice, Dating Advice, Black Women, Black Together, Black Together A Walk In Her Shoes, A Walk In Her Shoes, Madame Buddaphlai, Lady Lisa, NERDSoulite, NERDSoul, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPodcast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Saturday Nov 06, 2021
Saturday Nov 06, 2021
New Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com..We LIVE for Marvel's What If... Reaction & Review Season 1 Episode 6: What If... Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?! with me NERDSoul! We got the a cool guest in the house so .Marvel Premieres What If S1 E6: What If... Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?! | NERDSoul..
Starring:Hannibal Tabu: http://hannibaltabu.comJason Reeves: http://133art.comRJ the Nerdy Brew: http://instagram.com/rjnerdybrew315Solar Greye: https://youtube.com/c/BiDPblerd..Covering:#WhatIf #MarvelWhatIf #NERDSoul
Also:Marvel Comics, What If, Marvel What If, Avengers, What If Killmonger Rescued Tony Stark?!, What If Recap, What If Reaction, What If Review, Blerdish, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
Clement BryantOn Facebook - https://facebook.com/clement.bryantOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/clementbryantOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/clementbryant
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPoMarvelast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.

Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
HBO Max Doom Patrol Season 3 Episode 8: Subconscious Patrol & More! | NERDSoul.
WE BACK chillin Live for HBO Max's Doom Patrol so far with Reaction & Review talkin Season 3: Subconscious Patrol... Let's do this!
New Music From ARCKATRON At http://arckatron.comDope Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com
.Starring:Blerdish: http://blerd-ish.comHannibal Tabu: http://hannibaltabu.comJason Reeves: http://133art.comRJ the Nerdy Brew: http://instagram.com/rjnerdybrew315Solar Greye: https://youtube.com/c/BiDPblerd
.Covering:#DoomPatrol #DC #NERDSoul

Friday Nov 05, 2021
Friday Nov 05, 2021
Blerdish: https://blerd-ish.comNew Music | ARCKATRON: http://arckatron.comFresh Threads / Dé Merch: http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.com.We LIVE for Marvel's What If... Reaction & Review Season 1 Episode 9: What If... the Watcher Broke His Oath? with me NERDSoul!.Marvel Premieres What If S1 E9: What If... the Watcher Broke His Oath? | NERDSoul..Starring:Blerdish: http://blerd-ish.comHannibal Tabu: http://hannibaltabu.comJason Reeves: http://133art.comRJ the Nerdy Brew: http://instagram.com/rjnerdybrew315Solar Greye: https://youtube.com/c/BiDPblerd..Covering:#WhatIf #MarvelWhatIf #NERDSoul
Also:Marvel Comics, What If, Marvel What If, Avengers, What If the Watcher Broke His Oath?, What If Recap, What If Reaction, What If Review, Blerdish, StreetGeek, ThatNERDSoul, NERDSoul, OneYoungsta,
KURO Brand | Streetwearhttp://KUROBrand.com
Clement BryantOn Facebook - https://facebook.com/clement.bryantOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/clementbryantOn Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/clementbryant
NERDSoulLe Ill Kid @OneYoungstaNERDSoul Online - http://ThatNERDSoul.comPoMarvelast - http://NERDSoul.Podbean.comOn Twitch TV - https://Twitch.tv/ThatNERDSoulMerch - http://Shop.ThatNERDSoul.comContact - Hello@ThatNERDSoul.com Become a NERDSoul Patron!Patreon - https://patreon.com/ThatNERDSoul NERDSoul on Social MediaOn Facebook - http://facebook.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Twitter - http://twitter.com/ThatNERDSoulOn Instagram - http://instagram.com/ThatNERDSoul ABOUT NERDSoul:NERDSoul, by Le Ill Kid @OneYoungsta, is that intangible fresh--that 70's soul mixed with comics, some sci-fi fantasy, movie geekery, topped off with the Golden Era of Hip Hop. I've developed NERDSoul over the years as a StreetGEEK, unknowingly by loving Wu-Tang, Justice League, Star Wars, Stevie Wonder and playing D&D after school. NERDSoul comes from that StreetGEEK that can chop it up with the best, while being up on game around the block and Pop Culture. NERDSoul is created by Executive Producer Michael Young IIA/V Production by: A Full Tang Design http://afulltang.design Rest in Power Ali Thievez & Kleph Dollaz. Much Love My Brothas.